VCE offers a comprehensive and innovative range of services for a sustainable improvement of the environmental conditions of society.
We cover the whole environmental field including immission & climate protection, energy and environmental technology, building physics & room acoustics as well as material & life cycle analyses with our interdisciplinary team of specialists.
Traffic Noise Emissions and Immissions
In the scope of our acoustics-portfolio measurements of noise emissions and immissions are carried out at rail traffic routes but also in the field of road traffic.
Noise Measurements
Due to complaints by neighbours or in the scope of new construction the existing noise level has to be frequently determined. In addition to the situation in front of the building structure-borne noise can be measured in the room in order to also consider the sound radiations from walls and floors in the assessment.
Noise by Facilities
Facilities like air conditioning or ventilation systems must meet the acoustic requirements of the laws and standards. Therefore forecasts, surveys and preceding measurements are required for approval procedures.
Planning and Forecasts
In the scope of new construction forecasts for changes in situation during and after the conclusion of construction works have to be performed. For this purpose measurements are performed in combination with forecast calculations (3D-dispersion model).
Research and Development
The research projects carried out focus on the reduction of emitted sound directly at the source or at the dispersion paths.
Building Acoustics
Acoustic parameters like reverberation time as well as airborne sound and impact sound damping rate are determined by measurements by means of defined acoustic sources and a standard hammer system.
- Acoustics & Noise Protection
Environmental consulting is not just about complying with regulations, but about shaping a future worth living in the long term

Emission and Immission Analyses
Existing vibration-induced emissions of railways are determined by means of measurements and analyses like the dispersion profile of the ground. Immission measurements are usually applied in the field of neighbourhood protection.
Dynamic Analyses
Dynamic measurements cover a wide field of application and are used for the following analyses:
- Track dynamics, track engineering
- Earthquake engineering
- Dynamic system identification
- Monitoring of the dilatation behaviour of bridge structures
- Machine storage
- Storage of highly sensitive medical engineering equipment
- Transport of works of art
Planning and Forecasts
In case of new buildings and reconstruction design considering vibrations is indispensable. By means of emission and immission measurements detailed forecasts of the expected vibrations can be performed so that effective reduction measures can be planned if necessary.
Research and Development
The steady progress in the field of dynamics, measurement and instrumentation is based on the continuous development work of our team including the following fields:
- Further development of measurement procedures
- Research & development in the field of noise and vibration protection
- Earthquake engineering
- Wind tunnel tests
- Dynamic & Vibration Protection
- Emission and immission analysis
- Research & Development
Air Pollutant Emissions
Emission rates for the air pollutants to be analysed are normally calculated and assessed on the basis of calculation rules, manufacturer instructions or empirical values.
Determination of the Actual Air Quality
Measurement data of air quality test points are usually analysed and evaluated for the assessment of the initial level of pollution.
Immission Modelling
Forecasts of additional pollution on site are carried out by means of computer-assisted calculations applying the AUSTRAL2000 dispersion model and considering meteorological measurement data, topology and construction.
The additional immission load is assessed according to laws, standards and guidelines.
- Emission and immission analysis
- Immission modelling
- Determination of air quality
Assessment and comparison of the climatic relevance of several track system or design types by means of the CO2 equivalent (GWP) of the building materials used and an estimation of transport expenditure.
- Research & Development
- Life Cycle Engineering
Construction-based vibrations are usually much more intense than the ambient background vibrations. Especially works in regard to foundation, soil compacting or demolition create high vibration impact and can lead to damage at nearby objects. Monitoring concepts coordinated with the requirements of the construction process can support these works and provide protection against vibration impacts.
- Dynamic & Vibration Protection