Tender design of the track system including floating track slab systems and detailed design of the turnout areas.
The extension of the underground railway line U2 and the re- and new construction of U5 are the most important common future project for Vienna’s public transport. The sections U2/17 to U2/22 and U5/2 connect 6 new stations and comprise a track length of approx. 12 km and 24 turnouts.
In the course of the project Wiener Linien started tendering of the structural building measures in 2018. VCE prepared tender design of the track system for the route, station and turnout areas for the new construction areas as well as the adjustment areas at the existing line U2.
The services include static and dynamic dimensioning of all vibration protection systems (floating slab track systems) for standard and special areas, the preparation of a technical description and technical specifications for individual components, the formulation of a logistic site concept for the installation of the track system and the preparation of tender drawings for the track system. Furthermore, service specifications were drawn up including the bill of quantities for track construction and subconcrete.
At the moment VCE performs detailed design of the turnout systems in the connecting structures of the existing to the new sections. Subsequently, the areas in the new sections are designed in detail.